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Daily Devotion November 1, 2015: Never, Never Quit!

Success is always a possibility, but never a guarantee. It belongs to the man or woman who’s willing to show up early, stay late, go the extra mile, and keep asking, ‘Is there a better way?’.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans"

The Word for Today devotional by United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) says:

The moment you start believing you’re successful enough to rest on your laurels, you’re in trouble. You’ve put a lid on your growth! Solomon wrote,

‘Do you know a hard-working man? He shall be successful and stand before kings!’ (Proverbs 22:29 TLB).

Success is always a possibility, but never a guarantee. It belongs to the man or woman who’s willing to show up early, stay late, go the extra mile, and keep asking, ‘Is there a better way?’.

An agency once created an ad for an automobile company. It said, ‘At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.’ When they ran the ad by the company’s CEO, he smiled and said, ‘I guess we’ve got to do something about that clock!’.

A young man once asked Henry Ford,How can I make a name for myself and be successful?’. He replied, ‘Decide what you want, then stick with it. Never deviate from your course no matter how long it takes or how hard the road, until you’ve accomplished your purpose.’

Successful people have one thing in common: they refuse to quit! No matter how many times they fall, they get back up, dust themselves off, learn from it, and start over.

 Paul J. Meyer says, ‘Ninety-nine per cent of those who fail are not actually defeated, they simply quit.’

The Bible says, ‘To win you must deny yourselves… things that…keep you from doing your best’ (1 Corinthians 9:25 TLB).

The only people who never fail are those who never try. So keep going, and don't even think about quitting!

Bible in a Year: Luke 21:1-19; Ps 113-115;

Daily Devotion November 1, 2015: Never, Never Quit! Reviewed by Olusola Bodunde on 07:23 Rating: 5

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