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Daily Horoscope - Friday, June 3, 2016: What your Zodiac sign says today

Zodiac signs

Here's a short forecast for the 12 zodiac signs

Wondering what life has in store for you today? Compiled by, here's a short forecast for the 12 zodiac signs.

Aries: Even though you seem to always be sensitive to other people's feeling, today your feeling towards others' needs might come even before they know it. Throughout the day, you might receive spiritual, emotional or psychological sights . Prophetic dreams may also come to you. All you need to do is write whatever comes because you'll want to remember them later.

Taurus: You could have an idealistic feeling towards your relationships today. Those closest to you may appear in their best form. Those you are romantically involved with may seem like characters from a fairy tale which could prompt you to want to step up with your relationship.  It could be easy to love someone who seems perfect, but more realistic to love their faults as well.

Gemini: You may want to be of help to others today. The humanitarian instincts in you are mounting up even though you may want to over-idealize them a little. Don't forget that heavy commitment of time and energy are involved with helping those who are less privileged. So if you make up your mind to do this, your life could be transformed for the better. 

Cancer: Today could be the day you fall in love and if you are already involved, you could see the greatness in your partner  you sometimes forget. Ig you are still single, expect a special someone to pop up today. Do not forget to get to know him or her before hooking up.

Leo: The level of love and positive energy could be increased thanks to a number of powerful events today. New and exciting information might get to you via visitors with spiritual and metaphysical focus. The good news you never expected could raise hope for everyone. And a meeting with a humanitarian or spiritual purpose might happen. Whatever it is, expect your home to be full with positive vibes. Enjoy.

Virgo: Be ready to see some new people with great vibes in your neighborhood. Spiritual or metaphysical discussions could take place today over the phone or over coffee. Things could go deep, be exalted, and inspiring, yet bring up more questions than answers.  You would need books on the subject to enlighten you. You might even want to write down your thoughts or memorialize them in a drawing or painting.

Libra: The least expected experiences could come your way today. A hidden talent could come to light and could involve a mixture of arts and technology, such as computer graphics or animation, or it might involve spiritual or humanitarian work. You might also try fundraising for a charity, social or political cause. Don't waste any time. Go to it.

Scorpio: You're likely to use your psychic abilities instead of your rational and scientific ways of thinking today. This could be a mixed blessing. Your rational nature protects you from identifying too much with the world's less fortunate. Today this protection is greatly reduced, so be prepared to emotionally identify with everybody.

Sagittarius: You might feel more psychic than intuitive today. Thanks to the information you got from the media, you could find yourself psychically picking up on the thoughts and feelings of other people you've never met. This may be emotionally overpowering, so protect yourself by keeping the white light around you. Channel your thoughts and feelings into art of any kind.

Capricorn: You'll feel more intuitive and sensitive to unacceptable social and political conditions today. You'll receive fresh ideas for new goals and perhaps humanitarian ideas.  You should be in an especially idealistic mood, so you could come up with wonderful possibilities that aren't workable now. Pen down your ideas and consult with someone who shares the same interests.. Then make up your mind on how to proceed.

Aquarius: You may have to choose what you really want to do today, is it making either arts, humanitarianism or the spread of higher consciousness of your life's work? Business and money are no problems to you and you might be thinking in terms of a future in which you can write your own career ticket. Although the time isn't right to actually do it, you should come up with an action plan.

Pisces: You may be thinking of exalting your spiritual concepts today. You just have to decide to make an effort to study spiritual or metaphysical materials, or attend a lecture, workshop, or meditation session with those who share the same interest. You might also think about traveling to a country associated with a specific spiritual tradition, such as Israel, Egypt, or India. Jot down your thoughts so you can come back to them later.

Daily Horoscope - Friday, June 3, 2016: What your Zodiac sign says today Reviewed by Olusola Bodunde on 02:26 Rating: 5
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