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Dream alive with Pikolo The Squad concert featuring Tekno, RNA

The 3rd edition of the annual Dream Alive With Pikolo will unveil the winners of the annual talent hunt competition with a talk of the town concert tagged The Squad Dream Alive Concert Grand finale. 

This rare event will be held at the Hexagon, Gra, Benin City, Edo state, and it will parade superstars like Tekno, RNA, I Go Save, Pikolo, Youngest Landlord and a host of other A-list artistes.

The Squad concert will be the first of its kind in the state and probably the South South region and promises to be the biggest and best in the recreation/entertainment industry and would outclass any similar event previously held in the region. The event will be loaded with lots of fun, thrills, glitz and razzmatazz. 

Dream Alive with Pikolo is a talent hunt that cut across music, dance and comedy and the annual event is already becoming a Mecca of sort for all sundry talented individuals in the Niger- Delta region. Unlike other talent hunt, where the organizers don’t care about the development of the winners, but Dream Alive with Pikolo is all about nurturing and grooming young talents. The annual event is organized by comedian cum politician Eromosele Daniel aka Pikolo an SSA to the Comrade Governor of Edo state on culture and tourism and also the CEO Peak rendezvous entertainment global Ltd.
Recently Dream Alive with PikoloSeason 2 winners, RNA released their debut single titled MERCY. The mid tempo song was recorded in the dream alive studio in Benin City while the video was directed by notable Benin based video director Whyte House Pictures. The group RNA was officially formed in the year 2013 and it consist of two young multi talented music sensation Divine Ikunbor aka RHEMA and Prince Solomon Eromosele aka ALPHA P.
08032604739, 07017280963
08170945495, 08128072573  

Dream alive with Pikolo The Squad concert featuring Tekno, RNA Reviewed by Olusola Bodunde on 12:42 Rating: 5

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