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Violence in Egypt get Worse: All the Exclusive Pictures

A heartbroken mother has revealed the final text messages she exchanged with her daughter who was among at least 525 people killed during the massacre in Cairo yesterday.
Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, 26, was reporting from her native country for the UAE-based newspaper Xpress Weekly when she was shot dead in the protest camp filled with supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi.
Cold and shivering, she texted her mother Sabreen Mangoud: 'The army and the police are indeed moving around the gates. The media centre was turned into a field hospital and the square is on high alert.'
She later replied: 'I’m heading to the platform in a little while. There are tanks there.'
But hours later, her text messages abruptly ended. Sabreen had not received any reply from her daughter and had no idea what was going on.
Desperate for information, she wrote: 'Habiba, please reassure me. I’ve called thousands of times. Please, my darling, I’m worried sick. Tell me how you are.'
Finally, someone answered Habiba's phone, but revealed the devastating news that she was dead.

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Death toll: Bodies lie wrapped in shrouds at a mosque in Cairo following yesterday's violent crackdown
Death toll: Bodies lie wrapped in shrouds at a mosque in Cairo following yesterday's violent crackdown
Unrest: Egyptians look for their relatives amongst the bodies of protesters who died yesterday at al-Imene mosque
Unrest: Egyptians look for their relatives amongst the bodies of protesters who died yesterday at al-Imene mosque
Destruction: The Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, in the center of the largest protest camp, has suffered severe fire damage
Destruction: The Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, in the center of the largest protest camp, has suffered severe fire damage
Mourning: A man grieves as he looks at one of many bodies laid out in a make shift morgue after Egyptian security forces stormed two huge protest camps at the Rabaa al-Adawiya and Al-Nahda squares where supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi
Mourning: A man grieves as he looks at one of many bodies laid out in a make shift morgue after Egyptian security forces stormed two huge protest camps at the Rabaa al-Adawiya and Al-Nahda squares where supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi
Victim: Young journalist Habiba Ahmed was among hundreds killed when protester camps were cleared yesterday
Victim: Young journalist Habiba Ahmed was among hundreds killed when protester camps were cleared yesterday

Today, Egypt is beginning the clean-up after a day of violence which left at least 525 and an estimated 3,717 injured.
The violence began when police moved to clear two sit-in camps in Cairo by supporters of Mohammed Morsi, ousted in a military coup on July 3.
The clashes there later spread to elsewhere in Cairo and a string of other cities. 
The bloodshed has prompted the government to declare a nationwide, month-long state of emergency.
Authorities have referred 84 people from the city of Suez, including Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters, to military prosecutors on charges of murder and burning churches.
The move came a day after the state imposed emergency laws and an evening curfew following nationwide violence.
In one of the most horrifying moments of the day, an armoured police vehicle was filmed being pushed off a bridge by protesters.
The van plunged off the 6th October Bridge before demonstrators attacked the wreckage. It is not known how many people were on board and how many people survived the fall, but bloodied men were seen lying around the van moments afterwards. Unconfirmed reports on Twitter claimed five were dead.
The dramatic pictures show the van being ambushed by dozens of people before crashing through a protective fence on the bridge. It then falls upside down and then rolls onto its roof as it lands. Blood can then be seen on the ground as nearby police officers pull injured men out of the crushed vehicle. 
An amateur video posted on YouTube shows the van land amid chaotic scenes where hundreds of protestors were clashing with police below the bridge. 
Dozens immediately run over the wreckage and continue to throw stones and missiles at the van while under fire from the security forces. 

Battle: A burned out army vehicle remains next to destroyed tents outside the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, where supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi had a protest camp
Battle: A burned out army vehicle remains next to destroyed tents outside the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, where supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi had a protest camp
Horror: An Egyptian child displays empty tear gas canisters among the debris of a protest camp in Nahda Square following yesterday's massacre
Horror: An Egyptian child displays empty tear gas canisters among the debris of a protest camp in Nahda Square following yesterday's massacre
Carnage: The remnants of the protest camp lay strewn in the road after the day of violence which has claimed hundreds of lives
Carnage: The remnants of the protest camp lay strewn in the road after the day of violence which has claimed hundreds of lives
Clean-up: Egyptians remove valuables they collected from debris in a protest camp next to a banner depicting Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Nahda Square
Clean-up: Egyptians remove valuables they collected from debris in a protest camp next to a banner depicting Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Nahda Square
The van, which was filled with security officers, plunged upside-down to the ground while men on the bridge waved their arms
The van, which was filled with security officers, plunged upside-down to the ground while men on the bridge waved their arms
Protests were continuing under the bridge as the vehicle crashed to the ground
Protests were continuing under the bridge as the vehicle crashed to the ground
This disturbing image circulated on Twitter shows troops swooping on the car wreck as injured officers lie on the ground
This disturbing image circulated on Twitter shows troops swooping on the car wreck as injured officers lie on the ground
Debris and oil can be seen around he van a member of the security forces inspects the damage while another lies on the ground
Debris and oil can be seen around the van as a member of the security forces inspects the damage while another lies on the ground
Egypt was warned last night that 'the world is watching' after scores of people were killed in the Cairo massacre. 
Witnesses said many of those killed were hit by snipers on surrounding rooftops. Heavily-armed police and troops reportedly opened fire with machine guns on thousands of demonstrators, including women and children.
As Egypt descended into bloody violence, videos were broadcast which purported to show burned corpses on streets which resembled a war zone. British TV cameraman Mr Deane, working for Sky, was among those killed in the escalating violence, which provoked global condemnation.
British Sky cameraman Mick Deane was shot and killed as he covered the clashes today
British Sky cameraman Mick Deane was shot and killed as he covered the clashes
The crackdown drew widespread condemnation from the Muslim world and the West, including the US, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei resigned as the interim vice president in protest - a blow to the new military-backed leadership's credibility.
'Today was a difficult day,' interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi said in a televised address to the nation.
While he said he regretted the bloodshed, he offered no apologies for moving against the supporters of Mr Morsi, saying they were given ample warnings to leave and he had tried foreign mediation efforts.
Mr el-Beblawi said the government could not indefinitely tolerate a challenge to authority that the six-week-old protests represented.
'We want to see a civilian state in Egypt, not a military state and not a religious state,' he said.
The government has ordered the armed forces to support the police in restoring law and order and protect state facilities.
The leaders of Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood called the events a 'massacre'. Several of them were detained as police swept through the two sit-in sites, scores of other Islamists were taken into custody, and the future of the once-banned movement was uncertain.
Backed by helicopters, police fired tear gas and used armoured bulldozers to plough into the barricades at the two protest camps in different sections of Cairo where the Morsi supporters had been camped since before he was ousted by the military on July 3.
Army troops did not take part in the two operations, which began shortly after 7am local time, although they provided security at the locations.
The United States lead urgent calls for restraint warning that 'the world is watching.' Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called on the U.N. Security Council and Arab League to take immediate steps to stop a 'massacre' in Egypt.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the violence is deplorable is a serious blow to reconciliation efforts, adding that it runs counter to Egyptians' aspirations for peace. 
He urged Egypt's interim leaders to take a step back and calm the situation to avoid further deaths. He also said the U.S. strongly opposes a return to a state of emergency law and that should end as soon as possible. 
David Cameron also condemned the violence, saying: 'What is required in Egypt is a genuine transition to a genuine democracy. That means compromise from all sides - the President Morsi supporters but also the military - that's what needs to happen.
'We don't support this violence, we condemn it completely, it's not going to solve the problems.' Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme this morning, Egypt's ambassador to London Ashraf Elkholy defended his government's actions. 
He said: 'I want to express my regret for the deaths of all Egyptians on both sides, the protestors and the police.
‘What I want to say here is that there have been 48 days of this site, sitting there occupying an area and there’s a lot of people living there.
‘There have been many warnings for the past two weeks from the Government that they have to leave the area and if they want to protest go somewhere else.
'The shooting is from both sides. People were resisting authority and the police. Don’t tell me anywhere around the world where people resist police wouldn’t use guns and weapons. You have to respect authority and you have to maintain law and order because that is the objective of any government or state.’
The Muslim Brotherhood claimed over 2,000 people had been killed and thousands wounded in eight hours of continuous firing while Egyptian authorities said Mr Morsi's supporters opened fire on security forces.
Emergency: Supporters of Morsi treat wounded men in Cairo. Violence spread across much of Egypt after police swept into two encampments of Morsi's supporters
Emergency: Supporters of Morsi treat wounded men in Cairo. Violence spread across much of Egypt after police swept into two encampments of Morsi's supporters
Armoured: A soldier keeps guard in a tank in Cairo. The Egyptian presidency announced a state of emergency nationwide for one month, due to the current turmoil
Armoured: A soldier keeps guard in a tank in Cairo. The Egyptian presidency announced a state of emergency nationwide for one month, due to the current turmoil
At least 95 people have been killed today after security forces raided camps
At least 95 people have been killed today after security forces raided camps set by supporters of ousted President Morsi, near the Rabaa Adawiya mosque in Cairo
Muslim Brotherhood leaders warned today of further protests after the camps were forcibly disbanded by security forces
Muslim Brotherhood leaders warned of further protests after the camps were forcibly disbanded by security forces


British Sky cameraman Mick Deane was shot and killed as he covered the clashes today
Tributes have been paid to a Sky News cameraman who was shot dead in Cairo while covering clashes between Egyptian security forces and protesters.
Mick Deane, 61, who was married with two sons, died this morning. 
Prime Minister David Cameron said on Twitter: ‘I am saddened to hear of the death of cameraman Mick Deane, covering Egyptian violence. My thoughts are with his family and Sky News team.’
Head of Sky News John Ryley described Mr Deane as ‘the very best of cameramen, a brilliant journalist and an inspiring mentor to many at Sky’.
Mr Deane, who had worked for the broadcaster for 15 years including stints in Washington and Jerusalem, was with Middle East correspondent Sam Kiley when he was shot.
Sky said the rest of the team covering the outbreak of violence in Cairo with him were unhurt.
Witnesses spoke of canisters of teargas raining down on tents in the main camp in the residential area of Nasr City before security forces opened fire in a determined bid to clear the protesters.
As helicopters hovered low above rooftops, they claimed snipers had taken up position on rooftops around the camp outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque before the dawn attack.
Eye-witnesses said security forces used machine guns and assault weapons to clear the protest camp.
Teacher Saleh Abdulazuz, 39, clutching a bleeding wound on his head, said: 'At 7am they came. Helicopters from the top and bulldozers from below. They smashed through our walls. 
'Police and soldiers, they fired tear gas at children. They continued to fire at protesters even when we begged them to stop.' 
Photographs showed a scene of carnage, with burning tyres sending plumes of black smoke filling the sky and fires smouldering in the streets.
In a statement, the Brotherhood said: 'The world cannot sit back and watch while innocent men, women and children are being indiscriminately slaughtered. The world must stand up to the military junta's crime before it is too late.' 
Also killed at the protest camp was the 17-year-old daughter of Mohammed al-Beltagy, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who later appealed to his countrymen to ' take all the squares of Egypt' and stop the army ' turning Egypt into another Syria.' 
A second, smaller camp near Cairo University was swiftly cleared this morning. Egypt's Interior Ministry, which is charge of the police, said its forces came under fire from the camp.
Video footage from a camera on board an Army helicopter was released by officials who said it showed protesters firing on security forces.
Live TV footage on several channels appeared to show hooded Brotherhood gunmen brandishing what appeared to be small automatic rifles and firing them in the direction of security forces.
Violence spread across Egypt yesterday and more than 300 people had already died in political violence since the army overthrew Islamist leader Mr Morsi on July 3.

An Egyptian woman tries to stop a military bulldozer from going forward during clashes that broke out
An Egyptian woman tries to stop a military bulldozer from going forward during clashes that broke out
Violence: A protester comes to the aid of a wounded as security forces clear a sit-in by supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in the eastern Nasr City district of Cairo
Battle: Egyptian security forces are said to have opened fire on mostly unarmed protestors in the operation which began shortly after 7am local time
War zone
War zone: Although the number of dead is unconfirmed, burned corpses have been seen on the streets which resemble a war zone
Turmoil: The state news agency said security forces were implementing a phased plan to disperse the protesters, which is almost certain to deepen political turmoil in Egypt
A protester carries copies of the Quran as the Egyptian security forces clear the site
A protester carries copies of the Quran as the Egyptian security forces clear the site
Defiant: A handcuffed protester sits on the ground as Egyptian security forces move in
Defiant: A handcuffed protester sits on the ground as Egyptian security forces move in
Horror: Screams of terror could be heard as the early crackdown began on the protestors
Horror: Screams of terror could be heard as the early crackdown began on the protestors
Black smoke billowed from the scene as the security forces made their way through the camp
Black smoke billowed from the scene as the security forces made their way through the camp
Protection: Riot police and army soldiers protect themselves with riot shields as members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi throw stones during clashes around the area of Rabaa Adawiya square
Protection: Riot police and army soldiers protect themselves with riot shields as members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi throw stones during clashes around the area of Rabaa Adawiya square
'Saddened': David Cameron tweeted his sorrow over the death of cameraman Mick Deane earlier today
'Saddened': David Cameron tweeted his sorrow over the death of cameraman Mick Deane earlier today
Fighting back: Supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood gesture as Egyptian security forces (unseen) move in to disperse their protest camp
Fighting back: Supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Muslim Brotherhood gesture as Egyptian security forces (unseen) move in to disperse their protest camp
Emergency response: Egyptian forces pull a fire hose as they attempt to clear a sit-in by demonstrators
Emergency response: Egyptian forces pull a fire hose as they attempt to clear a sit-in by demonstrators
Anger: Protestors hurl missiles at security forces who came to clear their protest camps in Cairo this morning
Anger: Protestors hurl missiles at security forces who came to clear their protest camps in Cairo
Carnage: Debris burns in the street after an operation to remove two camps of Pro-Morsi protestors descended into violence
Carnage: Debris burns in the street after an operation to remove two camps of Pro-Morsi protestors descended into violence
Riots: Armoured police vans stand by as tents and debris from the camp burn in Cairo
Riots: Armoured police vans stand by as tents and debris from the camp burn in Cairo
Line-up: Egyptian security forces detain protesters as they clear the sit-in by supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi
Line-up: Egyptian security forces detain protesters as they clear the sit-in by supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi
Inferno: A fire rages in a protest tent at the camp near Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque
Inferno: A fire rages in a protest tent at the camp near Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque
Crowds: Protestors disperse as tear gas is fired at them by police vehicles
Crowds: Protestors disperse as tear gas is fired at them by police vehicles

Defiance: A police vehicle lies on its roof after it is pushed off a bridge onto the road below by supporters of ousted President Morsi. The vehicle was full of soldiers
Defiance: A police vehicle lies on its roof after it is pushed off a bridge onto the road below by supporters of ousted President Morsi. The vehicle was full of soldiers
Helicopters have been hovering above Cairo and using tear gas on protestors
Missiles: Members of the Muslim Brotherhood throw stones at riot police during clashes around Cairo University and Nahdet Misr Square
Missiles: A police helicopter is pictured hovering above Cairo, which have been distributing tear gas on protestors from above, left. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood throw stones at riot police during clashes around Cairo University and Nahdet Misr Square, right
A security vehicle fires tear gas into the crowds as Muslim Brotherhood supporters flee
A security vehicle fires tear gas into the crowds as Muslim Brotherhood supporters flee
Confrontation: Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi clash with Egyptian riot police on a street leading to Rabaa al-Adawiya
Confrontation: Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi clash with Egyptian riot police on a street leading to Rabaa al-Adawiya
Dangerous: Demonstrators look up at a burning vehicle perched precariously on the edge of a bridge
Dangerous: Demonstrators look up at a burning vehicle perched precariously on the edge of a bridge
Swept aside: Army bulldozers remove a barricade errected by supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi during clashes with riot police at Cairo's Mustafa Mahmoud Square
Swept aside: Army bulldozers remove a barricade errected by supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi during clashes with riot police at Cairo's Mustafa Mahmoud Square
Arrest: Egyptian security forces arrest supporters of Egypt' s ousted president Mohamed Morsi at Nahda Square in Cairo
Arrest: Egyptian security forces arrest supporters of Egypt' s ousted president Mohamed Morsi at Nahda Square in Cairo
Two men are arrested with their hands bound as the forces moved through the camp
Two men are arrested with their hands bound as the forces moved through the camp
According to local media reports, one soldier and dozens of protesters were killed and about 200 others arrested
According to local media reports, one soldier and dozens of protesters were killed and about 200 others arrested
Supporters and members of the Muslim Brotherhood run from tear gas smoke shot by police to disperse a pro-Morsi camp
Supporters and members of the Muslim Brotherhood run from tear gas smoke shot by police to disperse a pro-Morsi camp
Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president, had just completed one year in office when he was toppled
Morsi, Egypt's first freely elected president, had just completed one year in office when he was toppled
Surrender: A protester comes out of a camp site as Egyptian security forces move in to clear one of the two sit-in sites of supporters of ousted president Morsi supporters, at Nahda square, near Cairo University
Surrender: A protester comes out of a camp site as Egyptian security forces move in to clear one of the two sit-in sites of supporters of ousted president Morsi supporters, at Nahda square, near Cairo University
Protest camp: A general view shows smoke rising from Rabaa Adawiya square as security forces move in to clear it
Protest camp: A general view shows smoke rising from Rabaa Adawiya square as security forces move in to clear it
Taking control: Egyptian security forces walk past a protesters' checkpoint as they move in to clear one of the two sit-in sites
Taking control: Egyptian security forces walk past a protesters' checkpoint as they move in to clear one of the two sit-in sites
Egyptian security forces remove a road blocks close to one of the camps
Egyptian security forces remove a road blocks close to one of the camps
Clashes: The violence is the latest indication that the country could be heading for all out civil war after weeks of clashes between pro-Morsi protestors and security forces following the ousting of the president
Destroyed: S
Destroyed: Smoke rises as a tent burns at one of the two sites of the sit-in by the Egyptians supporting ousted president Morsi at Nahda square
Operation: The clearance operation began shortly after dawn when security forces surrounded the sprawling Rabaa al-Adawiya camp in east Cairo
Spread: There have also been reports that the violence is beginning to spread outside of Cairo, with reports of further clashes involving Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Minya and Assiut
Unfolding: Regional television networks have been broadcasting images of collapsed tents and burning tires at both sites, with ambulances on standby
Invade: An Egyptian military bulldozer moves in as smoke billows from a burning tent in Cairo's Al-Nahda square
Crackdown: The simultaneous actions by the Egyptian forces - at the pro-Morsi encampment in Nasr City and at the site outside the main campus of Cairo University in Giza - began at around 7am local time
Claims: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said at least 250 people were killed and over 5,000 injured in a police crackdown
Claims: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said at least 250 people were killed and over 5,000 injured in a police crackdown
Terrifying: Protesters were showered with tear gas as the sound of gunfire rang out at both sites
Terrifying: Protesters were showered with tear gas as the sound of gunfire rang out at both sites
Control: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood supporters run from tear gas fired by Egyptian police as they try to disperse supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi in a street leading to the Rabaa al-Adawiya protest camp
Spreading violence: Images show a council building in the northern city of Alexandria today which was stormed by protestors
Spreading violence: Images show a council building in the northern city of Alexandria today which was stormed by protestors
A protestor carries a fellow comrade near Rabaa al-Adawiya square in Cairo during clashes
A protestor carries a fellow comrade near Rabaa al-Adawiya square in Cairo during clashes
Egyptians help a woman suffering from tear gas exposure after canisters were fired by Egyptian police
Egyptians help a woman suffering from tear gas exposure after canisters were fired by Egyptian police 


According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, there had been 32 journalists from across the world killed during 2013. It says that there have been 999 deaths since 1992 and a further 456 journalists have been in exile from their native countries since 2008. The last 20 years has seen 2,000 journalists violently killed worldwide according to the International Federation of Journalists. Since the start of the Egypt uprising in 2011, a number of journalists have been attacked, with several female journalists said to have been subjected to sex assaults. Here we look at a selection of the UK journalists killed while carrying out their job:
Killed: Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin
Killed: Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin
Paul Jenks - In January 1992, European Pressphoto Agency photographer Paul Jenks was shot and killed by a sniper in Croatia.
Ibrahim Goskel - A freelance reporter, Mr Goskel was shot and killed at Sarajevo airport in Bosnia in July 1993.
Dan Eldon - The Reuters photographer was stoned and beaten to death by a mob in Somalia in July 1993.
Vincent Francis - Worldwide Television News bureau chief Mr Francis was killed in an ambush in Burundi in April 1995.
John Schofield - BBC radio reporter was shot dead in Croatia in August 1995.
Kerem Lawton - Associated Press Television News producer was killed by mortar fire in Yugoslavia in March 2001.
Martin O'hagan - Sunday World reporter Mr O'Hagan was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland in September 2001.
Roddy Scott - Mr Scott, a cameraman for Frontline TV news agency, was shot dead in Chechnya in September 2002.
Richard Wild - The photographer was shot in the head in Baghdad in July 2003.
James Miller - A freelance camaraman, Mr Miller was shot by an Israeli soldier in Gaza in May 2003.
Terry Lloyd - ITV News correspondent was shot in the back by crossfire as he approached Basra in Iraq and was then shot in the head by U.S forces in March 2003.
Simon Cumbers - Was shot in Saudi Arabia while working as a BBC cameraman in June 2004.
Kate Peyton - The BBC producer was shot in the back in Somalia in February 2005.
Paul Douglas and James Brolan - CBS News cameraman and sound man were both killed when their convoy was hit in Baghdad in May 2006.
Rupert Hamer - Sunday Mirror reporter Mr Hamer was killed in January 2010 when an improvised explosive device went off underneath his vehicle in Nawa, Afghanistan.
Tim Hetherington - Freelance photographer who was killed in a mortar attack in April 2011.
Marie Colvin - Sunday Times reporter died in a rocket attack in Syria in February 2012. 
Mick Deane - Among at least 100 killed in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security officials in Cairo, Egypt, today.
Killed: Mick Deane, who was killed in Cairo today, is pictured working for Sky News
Killed: Mick Deane, who was killed in Cairo today, is pictured working for Sky News

Demands: Supporters of the ousted Islamist president want him reinstated and are boycotting the military-sponsored political process which includes amending the Islamist-backed constitution adopted last year and holding parliamentary and presidential elections early next year
Control: Firemen put out a fire at Nahda Square in Cairo as Egyptian security forces clear the scene
Control: Firemen put out a fire at Nahda Square in Cairo as Egyptian security forces clear the scene


Jan. 25-Feb. 11, 2011 - Egyptians stage nationwide demonstrations against the rule of autocrat Hosni Mubarak, who led the country for nearly three decades. 
The 18-day 'revolution,' launched by secular and leftist youth, draws in a wide spectrum, including the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists. Hundreds of protesters are killed as Mubarak and his allies try to crush the uprising.

Feb. 11 2011 - Mubarak steps down and turns power over to the military. Two days later, the body of top generals, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, dissolves parliament and suspends the constitution, meeting two key demands of protesters.
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down after protests against his rule
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down after protests against his rule
June 16-17 2011 - Egyptians vote in the presidential runoff between Morsi and Shafiq. The generals issue a 'constitutional declaration' giving themselves sweeping authorities and limiting the powers of the next president. Morsi emerges as the victor, with 51.7 percent of the vote.

June 30 2011 - Morsi takes his formal oath of office before the Supreme Constitutional Court, a day after reading a symbolic oath in Cairo's Tahrir Square, birthplace of the revolution.

Aug. 12 2011 - In a bold move, Morsi orders the retirement of the top Mubarak-era leadership of the military and cancels the military's last constitutional decree, taking back the powers that the generals gave themselves. The move was seen as way to curb the military's role in political affairs but it also gave Morsi the power to legislate in the absence of parliament.

Nov. 22 2011 - Morsi unilaterally decrees greater authorities for himself, giving his decisions immunity from judicial review and barring the courts from dissolving the constituent assembly and the upper house of parliament. The move came just ahead of court decisions that could have dissolved the bodies. The move sparks days of protests, with clashes between Morsi's supporters and opponents. At one point, some 200,000 people rally in Tahrir Square, with some of the first chants for Morsi to 'leave.'

Dec. 4 2011 - More than 100,000 protesters march on the presidential palace, demanding the cancellation of the referendum and the writing of a new constitution. The next day, Islamists attack a peaceful anti-Morsi sit-in outside the palace, sparking all-out street battles that leave at least 10 dead. Days later, Morsi rescinds his initial decrees, but maintains the date of the referendum.

Jan. 25, 2013 - Hundreds of thousands hold protests in Tahrir Square and nationwide against Morsi on the 2-year anniversary of the start of the revolt against Mubarak, and clashes erupt in many places.

Jan. 26 - Residents of the city of Port Said stage protests, angered by a court ruling convicting and sentencing to death a group of local soccer fans for a 2012 stadium riot. Police crack down hard in Port Said, killing more than 40 protesters, and in outrage the city and others nearby go into near revolt. Much of the anger is focused at Morsi, who praised the police for their crackdown.

Feb.-March - Protests continue in Port Said and other cities for weeks, with dozens more dying in clashes, and some police units around the country go on strike. Brotherhood youth and their opponents fight in the streets outside the group's main Cairo headquarters.
Strong-willed: Two female protestors sit in front of a barricade during protests in Cairo last month
Strong-willed: Two female protestors sit in front of a barricade during protests in Cairo last month
June 30 -- Millions of Egyptians take to the streets in Cairo and other cities calling for Morsi to step down in a massive display of anger and frustration with the Islamist leader. The demonstrations are largely peaceful, although 16 people, half of them in clashes outside the Muslim Brotherhood's Cairo headquarters, are killed in protest-related violence nationwide. Organisers vow to keep up the protests until Morsi resigns.

July 1 - Demonstrations continue and Egypt's military issues an ultimatum for the two sides to come to a resolution within 48 hours or it will impose its own solution.
July 3 - Egyptian media reports that President Morsi will either be sacked or forced to stand down as the army's deadline for a resolution approaches. The head of the Egyptian army, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi later declares on national TV that Morsi has been ousted from power, prompting a wave of celebrations across the country.

July 4 - Judge in Egypt's supreme court, Adly Mansour, sworn in as interim president in Cairo.

July 5 - 'Friday of Rage' protests spark violent clashes that last into the night, leaving a 36 dead and more than 1,000 people injured
July 7 - More than 50 are killed and 435 injured in clashes between supporters of ousted President Morsi and armed forces at the Republican Guard building in Cairo. Armed forces claim that they opened fire because a 'terrorist group' had attempted to storm the building.
July 9 - Interim head of state Adli Mansour sets a timetable of next year for elections in the country leaving Egypt facing months of protests.
July 12 - Thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters gather in Cairo and say they will occupy a square in the city until Morsi is reinstated as president.
July 15 - At least seven killed in clashes between protestors and police in Cairo. A further 261 are injured when locals and Muslim Brotherhood supporters clash.
July 26 - More than 120 people were reportedly killed in another night of violence in Cairo, according to the Muslim Brotherhood. Security forces were said to have opened fire on a round the clock vigil for President Morsi shortly before pre-dawn prayers.

Violence in Egypt get Worse: All the Exclusive Pictures Reviewed by Olusola Bodunde on 05:49 Rating: 5

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