In Manchester: Man with cerebral palsy gets dream job after 5 years of trying and 950 rejections
A man with cerebral palsy has finally landed himself a job - after five years and 950 rejections.
A man with cerebral palsy has finally landed himself a job - after five years and 950 rejections.
Tom Stephens, 23 got his dream job as an Asda checkout operator.
Tom, a genius with five GCSEs and a Btec in IT, said that out of 950 job applications only 50 companies even bothered to write back. Mirror UK reported.
In the last year he said he had been to a grand total of 12 job interviews, only to be told that he 'didn't have enough experience'.
But he said he was sure people were unwilling to take someone on with cerebral palsy, a condition that affects body movement and muscle coordination, although he said he is perfectly capable of working.
In an exclusive done by Mirror UK Tom revealed that: "I know a lot of people would have given up after applying for a fraction of the jobs I have gone for but I wouldn't give up.
"All of those rejections knocked my confidence but it didn't put me off. I just kept going and going."
He said: "During those five years I was applying for a minimum of two jobs per week and often I never even heard anything back.
"I never thought of giving up. I've got no interest in just claiming benefits and sitting around.
"I want to be a productive member of society."
Tom is currently working part-time, two days per week.
Altrincham General Store Manager Tony Rutherford said: "It is great that our store has been able to support the Movement to Work scheme and help some local young people get into full time employment.
"All of the young people we took on after their training period fully deserved the chance to come and work for us and they continue to impress with their attitude and work ethic on the shop floor."
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